Contribution of faculty education to teaching with respect to teachers’ views
Science Teachers, Science Education, Pedagogical Formation, Education FacultyAbstract
Purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the faculty education to the teaching skills of science teachers with respect to teachers’ opinions. Sample of the study consisted of 10 elementary science teachers working in Diyarbakır in Turkey during 2017-2018 instruction seasons. Purposive/convenience sampling method is used for the study. Phenomenological research design is applied for the study. Interview method which is one of qualitative methods is used for research purpose. Research revealed that most of the elementary science teachers think faculty education is useful in improving teaching skills. However, it is also revealed by the study that teachers lack to apply obtained knowledge in to practice. Several themes are determined by the study. Determined themes by the study are; school theme, family and guidance service theme, theory and practice theme, providing students’ needs and interests’ themes, individuality of student’s themes, teacher experience upon the classroom and students theme and teacher guidance for student activity theme. The most significant outcome of this research is that although teachers know theoretical aspects of instructional methods yet, they lack in philosphical aspects of methods and skills in using them.
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