An Examination of Natural Environment Experiences of Mothers of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Outdoor, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), preschool period.Abstract
Outdoor activities support children's active participation and contribute to their experiential learning. Furthermore, they engage all senses of the children. Outdoor activities are considered a necessity for children, particularly those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Limited eye contact, avoidance of physical contact, and difficulties in adhering to social norms often limit their participation in outdoor activities. However, this situation increases the need for outdoor activities among children with ASD and their primary caregivers, especially mothers. Therefore, this study aims to examine the opinions of mothers of children diagnosed with ASD regarding outdoor activities. A phenomenological approach, a qualitative research method, was employed in this study. The study group consisted of 13 mothers with children diagnosed with ASD, enrolled in a special education preschool in Adapazarı district of Sakarya province during the 2022-2023 academic year. Purposive sampling method was used to select the study group. Data were collected through a "Personal Information Form" and a "Semi-Structured Parent Interview Form" prepared by the researchers and validated by experts. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. According to the analysis, mothers with higher education levels expressed the importance of dressing their children appropriately for outdoor activities in all weather conditions, while mothers with lower education levels expressed concerns about taking their children outdoors in bad weather due to health reasons. Additionally, they mentioned that shopping malls and parks were more effective outdoor environments for children to socialize, as these places were more crowded and conducive to socialization. Mothers with higher education levels did not see any problem in taking their children outside even when it was snowing. Families emphasized the significant effects of outdoor activities on children's social development, especially in school settings. Based on the data obtained from the study, it is recommended that the study could be conducted with a different sample group, and data collection tools could be diversified.
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