A Systematic Review on The Pedagogical Use of QR Codes
QR code, mobile applications, QR code and education, systematic reviewAbstract
Technological advancements have facilitated the widespread use of mobile applications across various domains. QR codes are mobile applications that have gained extensive usage in recent years, particularly experiencing a surge since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. QR codes are characterized by their high storage capacity and easy readability. QR codes are also used in the field of education. Therefore, this study aimed to provide a systematic review on the pedagogical use of QR codes. Web of Science, ERIC, Scopus, TR Index, YÖK National Thesis Center, and Google Scholar databases were screened to access articles published between 2014 and 2023. The review yielded 155 articles. The sample consisted of 83 articles addressing the pedagogical use of QR codes. The articles were assessed based on distribution by databases, distribution by years, courses using QR codes, research methods and data collection tools, samples, and usage areas of QR codes. The studies were published in ERIC (28%), TR Index (19%), Web of Science (18%), YÖK National Thesis Center (15%), other indices (12%), or Scopus (8%). Most studies were published in 2022. The majority of the articles were from the field of science education. Most articles adopted quantitative research methods. The majority of the articles recruited graduate students. Most articles integrated QR codes into videos.
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