A Literature Review of the Studies on Islam-Science-Technology in Web of Science
Science, Technology, Islamic Sciences, STEMAbstract
Over the past two centuries, the swift advancements in science and technology have elicited mixed reactions among Islamic countries and Muslim communities, characterized by both excitement and skepticism. This ambivalence partly stems from a widely acknowledged perception of a technological lag in Muslim societies compared to their Western counterparts a viewpoint shared by Western academics and Muslim intellectuals alike. Furthermore, Muslims’ attitudes towards the contributions of Islam to science and technology diverge, influencing educational strategies within Islamic societies differently. In this study, utilizing the Web of Science database renowned for its access to prestigious journals, reviewed approximately 50 articles from 2007 to 2023. These articles, which focus on the intersections of science, technology, and Islam, as well as broader STEM education elements, employed a case study design and a qualitative research approach- complemented by content analysis of documents. The analysis revealed that a significant portion of these works engage in survey-based research on the integration of science and technology in Islamic educational settings, with some detailing specific projects in this area. This research is crucial for highlighting the strengths and shortcomings of scholarly endeavors in this domain. However, it also pointed out a notable omission: a thorough exploration of the theoretical underpinnings of Islamic Sciences, such as hadith, tafsir, and fiqh, and their pedagogy, indicating a substantial void in the literature.
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