Teachers' Tendencies of Using Digital Games and Creative Thinking
Digital games, creative thinking, Digital games, creative thinking, mathematics teachersAbstract
In today's digitalized era, children's internet accessibility is increasing, impacting their habits, learning pace, and creativity. Recognizing creativity as a blend of skills, attitudes, and dispositions, it becomes pedagogical responsibility to guide children in utilizing digital games consciously, given their growing leisure activity status. Teachers play a pivotal role in this guidance, necessitating extensive knowledge of digital applications and games for effective integration into education. This study aims to explore the correlation between demographic variables and the utilization of digital games alongside creative thinking tendencies among mathematics teachers. Employing a quantitative research approach, the study adopts a descriptive survey design, focusing on the digital game usage and creative thinking inclinations of 70 mathematics teachers in Eastern Anatolia during the 2022-2023 academic year. Results indicate that younger and less experienced teachers demonstrate higher engagement with digital games, while older and more experienced counterparts exhibit superior creative thinking skills. This suggests younger generations' adeptness with digital tools for teaching. Study recommendations include enhancing the emphasis on digital games in teacher training, equipping candidates with 21st-century skills, and prioritizing metacognitive skills relevant to contemporary demands.
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