Evaluating the effect of technology-supported teaching on academic achievement and students’ views on the process: The example of angles
Angles, technology-supported education, GeoGebra, digital game, digital storytellingAbstract
This paper had two objectives: (1) determining the effect of the traditional method, GeoGebra-based method, digital game-based method, and digital storytelling based method on students’ academic achievement and (2) evaluating students' views on the methods related to the subject of sixth-grade angles. The research was conducted for three weeks using different training methods for each class branch. The sample consisted of 42 students. The study adopted a mixed-method research design. Data were collected using a 19-item achievement test (pretest and posttest) and a semi-structured interview guide. The data were analyzed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that technology-based education helped participants exhibit better academic performance. However, participants who received GeoGebra-based education exhibited the highest level of academic achievement. Participants stated that the greatest advantage of the traditional method was solving many questions. They noted that the greatest advantage of GeoGebra-based and digital storytelling-based education was that they helped them understand and learn subjects much more effectively. They reported that digital game-based education allowed them to reinforce subjects. For participants, the greatest disadvantage of the traditional method was having to write too much. They also added that they encountered technical problems during tech-based education. Participants recommended that teachers integrate smart board technology more into their lectures.
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