Mediating Effect of Self-Regulation on the Relationship Between Digital Game Addiction and School Refusal in Adolescents
School refusal, Digital game addiction, Self-regulation, AdolescentsAbstract
Digital game addiction is a prevalent problem among adolescents and can cause undesirable outcomes such as school refusal. Although digital games have such an important share in the lives of adolescents, the literature on how these games influence school refusal and which mediating variables affect this relationship is limited. In particular, the mediating effects of self-regulation, which is considered a factor that can enhance adolescents' school engagement and commitment and reduce school refusal, have not been discussed. In this context, this study aims to discover the mediating effect of self-regulation on the relationship between digital game addiction and school refusal. The present study was carried out with a sample group of students between the 5th and 12th grades (N=663). The data were collected by using short forms of the digital game addiction scale, school refusal assessment scale, and self-regulation scale. PROCESS-v4.2 program integrated with SPSS 25 was used during the mediation relationship testing process by using the Bootstrap method. The results revealed that digital game addiction is a significant factor in the development of school refusal among adolescents and that self-regulation mediates this relationship. Consequently, enhancing self-regulation skills in adolescents with digital game addiction might be an effective way to reduce school refusal. Furthermore, it was observed that digital game addiction negatively predicted self-regulation and that self-regulation negatively predicted school refusal. These results suggest that digital game addiction can be considered as a factor that reduces self-regulation skills, while self-regulation can be viewed as a factor that prevents school refusal.
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