Analysis of Geogebra Activities and Opinions of Primary Mathematics Teacher Candidates
Dynamic geometry software, GeoGebra, Geometric objects, Elementary mathematics teacher candidates,Abstract
The research aims to examine the activities of primary mathematics teacher candidates with the help of Geogebra, dynamic geometry software, and their perspectives on Geogebra software. The working group consists of a total of 52 teacher candidates who studied in the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year of a state university in Eastern Anatolia. Research process that continues for a period (14 weeks - 28 hours); The introduction of Geogebra was made by actively processing the learning areas of triangles, polygons and quadrilaterals, geometric objects and transformational geometry with Geogebra. The mistakes made after the activities given in the middle of the semester and at the end of the semester were carried out by the teacher candidates were explained through intra-classroom discussions. A semi-structured open-ended question form was used as a data collection tool. In line with the findings, it was observed that some teacher candidates structured random shapes without knowing some characteristics that were obligatory to be in geometry and geometric objects. This was due to the lack of knowledge of the teacher candidates. It has been determined that teacher candidates who have the opportunity to think about the causality of rules and formulas have positive opinions such as interest, motivation increase, desire to use again. As suggestions of the research, some recommendations were made in the form of establishing Geogebra software in possible schools, introducing teachers and students, carrying out actions encouraging them to use actively, and teaching geometry and geometric objects by reification them.
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