Metaphorical Perceptions of Gifted Students Regarding the Concept of ‘Space’
Space, Gifted Student, MetaphorAbstract
Since prehistoric times, human beings have tried to make sense of space through their imagination. For this, they observed the locations and activities of celestial bodies. They tried to shape their daily lives in the light of the data they obtained from their observations. This study aimed to examine the perceptions of gifted students regarding the concept of "space” through metaphors. Phenomenological design, a qualitative research method, was used in the research. The study group in the research consisted of 94 gifted students studying in two different Science and Art Centers (BİLSEM) in the east of Turkey in the first semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. The participants of the study were determined through the convenience sampling method. 45 of the participants were female and 49 were male. The data in the study were collected by having the participants complete the sentence “Space is like…….. (similar to.......), because…………….”. In the analysis of the data obtained, descriptive and content analysis methods were used. As a result of the analysis of the data, it was determined that the participants produced a total of 52 different metaphors about space. Among these metaphors, the seven most preferred metaphors were void, infinity, garbage, black hole, sea, maze, and pit. In addition, considering the reasons stated by the participants, these 52 metaphors were grouped into seven different categories as "scientificalness", "daily life", "complexity", "fear", "impasse", "mathematics" and "knowledge".
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