Self-efficacy Levels of Special Education, Preschool and Child Development Teachers
Purpose of this study is to determine the level of self-efficacy values of teachers working in three different branches. Those branches are special education, preschool and child development education. Research was carried out with survey research design with survey method. Sampling method of the study was snowball sampling. Total number of participants is 81 in which 31 of are special education teachers, 36 preschool education teachers and 14 child development teachers. Gender and working experience demographic data of the teachers were also acquired for the study. Results indicated that teachers have high self-efficacy values. Teachers in their initial years of profession have higher self-efficacy values than experienced teachers but those differences were not statistically significant. Additionally, female teachers had more positive values than male teachers. Although independent samples t test result indicated that gender had no effect on self-efficacy values of teachers, significance value was at critical point. For that reason, further analysis was carried out for effect size and it was revealed that gender had small effect on self-efficacy values of teachers.
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