A Research on Our Personal Data in the Digital Environment



Digitalization, Digital environment, Personal data, Digital security


The aim of the study was to determine the perceptions and thoughts of low awareness high school students regarding the effects of personal data sharing in the digital environment, after examining the examples presented on the topic. A holistic single-case study design was used in the research as a qualitative research method. As part of the study, the participants were shown a historical documentary called “Great Hack” about how personal data sharing could affect human life. Before the interview, the purpose of showing this documentary to the participants was explained as providing examples to students with low awareness about the effects of personal data management, which is the main problem of the research. Data were collected from students who watched the documentary and voluntarily participated in the interview process. The majority of the participants were found to have low awareness about personal data. It was revealed that the purpose of sharing on social media is generally for getting likes and archiving information. However, participants realized the risks such as manipulation of personal data, turning it into a commercial product, and using it against them after seeing the examples in the documentary. Additionally, the concept of psychological profiling and the potential for addiction to constant advertising and content bombardment were emphasized. It was concluded that the participants would be more cautious and careful about sharing after gaining awareness from the documentary.


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How to Cite

Tatlı, C., & Özen, S. (2023). A Research on Our Personal Data in the Digital Environment. Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 3(1), 1–12. Retrieved from https://jstei.com/index.php/jsti/article/view/42